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2012-03-29 09:00:42
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The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Kingdom-Characters, High King and Queen




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2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri gently rubbed her cheek and sighed. It was a little bruised, but getting better. She checked it out in the mirror and wrinkled her nose. A part of her wanted to take a dagger and shove it through his chest, the other part of her wanted to go into the forest and run. He'd never be able to find her there...Would he?

Jacob ran his tongue over his fangs in his boredom. He was leaning against a hallway wall, watching out a window across from him. He was told by Alucard to keep an eye on his bride to be, but she'd locked herself into her bed chamber, and that was one place he and all other men had been banned from entering. Sahiri was Alucard's little toy, and Jacob respected that.

Nykyrian looked down below him as he was a deer pass beneath him. He could shoot it down and take it to a starving family in the kingdom.. But if he did that for one, then he'd have to do it for others. He was good, but not that good. And plus, it would raise suspicion.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: Alucard had himself squared away in a warm bath; soaking to be rid of the remnants of a day's work. Dirt and blood buried in the beds of his nails slowly hydrated and saw their way off of The King's body. His eyes were shut and his head rested against the back of the tub. Thoughts wandered from the up and coming wedding, to a short dream about his past. About his natural wife and the children he had... then it quickly flashed to the memory of the blood rage that led him to murder what he once loved. The dismemberment and death of the children stirred him from his little dream. Alucard's eyes open slowly, piercing into the wall before him as though they could ressurect his ex-wife so he could again murder her. This was something he experienced daily. The only person he ever confided in about this is his trusted High General.

Stephelia was locked up in a prison cell on the outskirts of the city. She was busy carving away on a femur from what looked like a human; her plan was to make a protection charm to hang on her door when she got out and went home. She looked up at the useless and stupid looking man that was standing guard outside of her cell and smirked. A plan started to form to get herself out of jail before the head guard came in

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri scowled at her reflection for a moment, as if it would have the answers she didn't. However, when nothing came to her mind she just decided to put more ointment on the bruise and leave the mirror. She had crossed the line when he smacked her, telling him that any woman who had ever loved him was a fool and the world should be relieved of their existence. Of course, she didn't know he had once had a wife he loved. But even without that knowledge, she knew she shouldn't have said that. Her father had taught her that no one was truly evil, that everyone had a past that made them who they were. She sighed at herself again and stood, arguing quietly with herself as she paced the room.

Jacob pushed off the wall and pressed an ear against the door. Sahiri was talking to herself, so she'd be busy for a while- at least that's what he figured from past experience. He'd once stood outside the door for four hours while she did this, so this time he wasn't going to be wasting his time. He walked down the hall and to scour the castle and the village for someone to sink his teeth into. 

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye kept her head down as she held a wicker basket full with Sahiri's clothes. She was wearing a pale lavender dress, her hair was up in a bun. She hated having her hair in her face. She glanced up when she saw Jacob, she lifted her and looked at him with sad, compassionate eyes. Then she turned and knocked on Sahiri's door gently.

Lady Yvette smirked as she got out of her carriage then her smirk turned to a pout when she noticed that no one was here to greet her."He's slipping."She muttered. She grabbed one of the stable boys."You will carry my bags to my room."She smiled with fangs. Her smiled grew bigger when the boy started to tremble and whimper. She let go of him and sighed and watched the poor boy take trunks off the carriage roof and back end. She grabbed another stable boy and ordered him to help the other boy.

Cale was hammering a sword he was making for the baker man down the street. 

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri glanced over to the door, "Come in." She said as she sat on the end of the bed.

Jacob grinned a bit when he saw her, walking up while she was distracted with the stable boys. "You've frightened away my lunch." He growled softly in her ear.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye opened the door and smiled."My lady." She bowed then she closed the door. She put the basket of clothes on the bed and she started taking them out but she stopped when she saw another bruise on Sahiri's face."My lady...." She knelt in front of her and frowned.

Yvette turned around and smiled."Jacob, darling!" She hugged him."At least someone came to greet me. And how was I to know that those boys are your lunch? We could share, you know."

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: Alucard pulled himself from the tub and wrapped a robe around him damp body. He left his washroom to enter the large room he would eventually be sharing with sahiri. ~this wedding can't come fast enough... The quicker this is over with the quicker I can get back to focusing on more important tasks he glanced out of his window to see that Yvette had arrived. "I forgot she had even left..." Thus, the king dressed quickly to go greet the young woman

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri just smiled a little, "It's alright, honestly... It's going away already.."

Jacob smiled, "Because you're a woman. Women know everything." He smirked.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's not okay, my lady. I am sick of seeing you with new bruises. He is a cruel man and you deserved so much better than him."Faye whispered.

Yvette raised an eyebrow as she pulled back from him."Not everything. Women know many things like seducing men, how to cheat and lie. But we don't know that skinny stable boys are are a man's food."She smirked."It's good to see you again. Did you miss me?" 

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: King Alucard walked through the trelace way, a bunch of indoor vine plants were thickly wrapped around the ached wooden posts that lined all main entry ways. As he approached the door leading near the stables, a servant threw the door open for him, to prevent him from slowing down and givin the young boy a beating. As the sun washed over him, a slight hint of pink could b seen in the iris of his eyes. Alucard had intentionally not fed in a while, to keep himself as docile as possible. He looks to his left and right, ultimately finding Yvette and Jacob talking amongst themselves on their way to the castle.

Stephelia finished her trinket and stood quietly behind the guard that was babysitting her. She Tucked the charm into the cup of the bra-like top she was wearing and slowly snaked her arm around the front of his waist. "there has to be something I can do to be let out a little early..." she grinned wide when the man turned to face her and accepted whatever offer she had in mind.

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette glanced over and saw Alucard. She smiled and waved at Alucard. Yvette thought of Alucard like an Uncle. She is very protective of Alucard and would die for him because he gave her the chance to be beautiful and young forever.

2012-04-14 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri sighed, "But it has to be. The only thing keeping my people alive is the fact that I am going to marry him, and I will take whatever he can throw at me. I know that there are some preparing to get our city back... But we just can't, the numbers are too small, and they aren't trained... Alucard's army is bloodthirsty and well trained. We'd be slaughtered." She nodded her head a little, "So I'll take a few bruises."

Jacob chuckled a little, "Of course I missed you." He then looked around, "Unfortunately, not many in this city are good eating."

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye frowned."But it pains me to see you in pain, my lady. It pains us all."

Yvette looked back at Jacob."Is the dinning that bad? Good job I brought a nice snack for Alucard and you." She smiled. Yvette had bottled blood in one of her bags. The blood was from her ex husband who she tricked into marrying him a week ago then she killed him yesterday.

2012-04-14 [MadHatress]: [oh angel!!! Lol]

He approached his comrads with a slight little smile; one hat said he knew that his young ward had just completed yet another dastardly deed. "you vanished to marry again, and return with nothing but tales for my advisor? Is that what it has come down to now?"

Stephelia walked out of the prison, smirking. She fixed the rouge around her lips as she looked back and heard a bit of an uproar coming from the doorway. She laughed and headed towards Kona, to her home in the forest

2012-04-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled as she looked at Alucard and she chuckled at his comment."Would I ever come home to my boys empty handed? I brought my husband's blood and his fortune."She smiled.

2012-04-15 [Sonya Blue]: Xena patrolled the woods around the castle with her faithful companion, her horse Argo. Argo was her last and only friend left in the world, so she enjoyed these moments spent with him.

2012-04-15 [MadHatress]: "well whatever you brought, get it inside." He looked at Yvette and shook his head, scowling a bit. "you didn't kill him before you took the blood like you did last time, did you? There's nothing more disgusting than drinking deadman's blood."

Stephelia walked through the entry of the woods and looked around. She may have only been gone a few days, but she missed seeing the canopy I dense branches and leaves that guided her home every night

2012-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette sighed loudly."No I didn't. I took his blood when he was still alive then I killed him." She looked at the stable boys."Take my stuff to my room now!" She ordered then she looked at Alucard."You'll never let me live it down will you?" She pouted.

2012-04-15 [MadHatress]: "Leaning is an eternal process when you're Turned at such a young age." he smirked a bit before turning back towards he castle

2012-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Some welcome home."Yvette pouted crossed her arms over her chest.

2012-04-15 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I can assure all of you that the pain of being ripped to little bits is worse." Sahiri said as she stood and took the pin out of her hair to comb it. She grabbed her comb and pilled it through to get rid of any frizz.

Jacob just chuckled a little at Alucard and Yvette. "No, Yvette, with our Lord Alucard, you will never live it down." He smirked, then offered his arm to her.

Nykyrian put his bow over his chest to hold it in place, and the arrow back in the quiver as he started jumping from branch to branch.

2012-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye frowned and nodded. She stood up and put Sahiri's clean clothes away.

Yvette looked at Jacob."And that is why I stay away from home so much."She smirked a little and took his arm.

2012-04-15 [MadHatress]: Alucard glanced back at the two and shook his head. "don't make me initialize a 2-foot rule, Yvette. I won't let you sleep with my advisor."

2012-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette sighed."I would never sleep with your advisor, Lord Alucard." She took her arm from Jacob and followed Alucard to to the castle. She hated it when Alucard was over protective of her but she understood that he was only trying to keep her safe until he properly married her off for good and not kill her husband.

2012-04-15 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri sighed a little, "I'm sorry if I snapped." She said as she smoothed out her hair and braided it again.

Jacob smiled, "Aw come on. I know Yvette too well, and like her too well, to make her my next meal." He smirked, "And I don't like eating other vampires...We're a little strange tasting.."

2012-04-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye smiled softly and looked at Sahiri."You didn't snap, my lady."

Yvette's right eye twitched just a little when she heard Jacob's comment. But she kept her mouth shut because she didn't want to annoy Alucard with banter with Jacob.

2012-04-16 [Sonya Blue]: Xena continued on, keeping quiet as she and Argo rode on through the woods. Nothing seemed out of the ordinar at the moment.

2012-04-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "For me, I most certainly did." Sahrir smiled and walked over to Faye, "Forgive me for that... And for causing all of you pain when I made the treaty with him.."

Nykyrian stopped when he herded Xena, scowling a little. He didn't like any of Alucard's people, and he really hated when they came into his forest.

2012-04-16 [MadHatress]: Stephelia made a turn in Xena's direction. The path she was following was packed with wildlife; there were birds and wild deer everywhere she looked. Same for snakes. Steph walked on until she stepped on something slimy and scaley. She looked down and saw that she was on a poisonous snake. She screamed loudly and went stumbling back... Into the ass of a huge horse. She landed with a loud thud and a soft welp of pain

Alucard had the door-boy hold the door open for Yvette, her things and Jacob. He looked to the back of the main hall and smirked; having already forgotten about the attractive young human he recently acquired as another of his 'servants.'

2012-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette walked through the door way."So what rules must I follow while I am here, Lord Alucard?" She glanced at him. She knew him very well. She knew he would have some rules to follow, if not a whole list.

Faye hugged Sahiri."We worry he will kill you after your married."She whispered. She was truely scared for Sahiri's life.

2012-04-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob smirked a little, "Oh, he has rules." He liked messing around with Alucard, though he knew just were the boundaries were, and he wasn't stupid enough to try and push them. Still, he liked to have fun.

Sahiri smiled a little, "He may well do that...And he will lose everything." She was sweet, and trusting, but not stupid. "We have allies, with their dragons, and the day after my death is announced they'll come and destroy this whole city...So spread the word very carefully... TO run to the forest if anything should happen to me. Nykyrian knows, and he's the only other one except you now...He'll help people."

2012-04-16 [Sonya Blue]: Argo became startled, not only by the sudden scream, but by stephellia falling into him, he reared up, nearly throwing xena off. Xena herald on, gaing control of the horse easily. She tuned her head to see stephellia "are you hurt?"

2012-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Of course he has rules. He wouldn't be Lord Alucard if he didn't have rules for his Ward to follow."Yvette chuckled as she followed Alucard.

2012-04-16 [MadHatress]: She kicked at the snake until it slithered off in the opposite direction, then glanced at Xena. "oh... Uh, I'm fine thank you. Hope I didn't startle your horse t-...." she looked at the massive creature and whistled. "wow! Big animal. Where did you bring'em from?"

Alucard stopped gazing around for something to do and looked to Yvette. "your room should be spotless. I had it cleaned while you were away, since I brought in a few more slaves."

2012-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked at Alucard."That's it? Keep my room clean. I thought you where going to force me into an abstinence pledge like you made me do last time I was home."

2012-04-16 [MadHatress]: "I'll just glue Jacob to your side and be done with it. There's no such thing as abstinence when you're dragging men to your bed to have their riches. Go get ready. There's a part later and I'll need you looking your best."

2012-04-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob just chuckled a little, "My lord, I just have one question for you.. When is the wedding going to be? The construction on the castle is done later today...And she wont be able to put it off any further."

2012-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "At least I bring presents, beautiful homes and lands back for you."Yvette smiled."Oh yes I must meet her and make her cry." She smirked.

Faye just stared at her in shock, unsure what to say or do.

2012-04-16 [MadHatress]: He spoke in his usual bored, monotoned fashion, walking everyone towards the dining hall where he party preparations were already underway. "The wedding will take place in 2 days' time. the party is more or less a preparation for the 'big day' everyone seems to be calling it. Now, if you're both done asking me questions and wasting my time, I need to finish getting ready."

2012-04-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob nodded a little, "Yes My Lord." He looked at Yvette, "Come, I'll introduce you quickly before you go to your room." He smirked.

Sahiri looked at Faye, "Stop looking like that... I would rather this kingdom be destroyed once more, and him killed instead of my people being ruled over by the man who married me, and killed me." She went to her vanity and pinned her hair up. "They would hunt down Alucard, make sure he's good and dead, and they would help all of you rebuild... After that, it would be up to all of you to chose what you did with the lands, but they would keep you protected, all of them.." She nodded a little.

2012-04-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette pursed her lips a little and nodded."I'll go make myself even more beautiful for the party." She leaded up kissed Alucard cheek then she looked at Jacob."Fine. Take me to this whipped gal."

"I...don't know what to say to that, my lady."Faye whispered.

2012-04-16 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jaceob nodded a little and led her upstairs.

"Then don't say anything." Sahiri said, walking to her, kissing her cheek. "We cannot talk about it any more." She whispered.

2012-04-17 [Sonya Blue]: Xena rose a brow "from far away..." she patted Argo to calm him down

2012-04-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette followed Jacob upstairs.

Faye nodded."I won't say a word."She whispered.

2012-04-17 [MadHatress]: Alucard allowed her display of affection. The look on his face was one of discomfort, but there were a few small things like that, that he allowed the vampiress to have. After all, he did treat the girl as if she were his daughter... With that thought in mind, he took to his room to put on a more formal outfit. But what...?

Stephelia smiled and nodded her head. "may I pet him? I'm still learning about this place and the people within it. Aside from little myths about the king and soon to be queen, I know next to nothing..."

2012-04-17 [Sonya Blue]: Xena glanced at Argo, then nodded slightly "sure why not..."

2012-04-17 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob took Yvette to Sahiri's room, knocking on the door, "Princess, somebody wants to meet you."

Sahiri closed her eyes for a moment. She was tired of meeting Alucard's people, like she was some kind of exotic creature. She went to the door and opened it.

2012-04-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette laughed when she saw Sahiri. She laughed hysterically to the point where she was crying from laughter.

Faye frowned and walked over to the door, she stood behind Sahiri. She saw Jacob and Yvette, she bowed her head to them and didn't look up.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: "Thank you. I'm Stephelia, by the way" Stephelia smiled and placed her hand on the horse's shoulder. "Do you live out here as well?"

The king sighed and started to redress for the party. He threw on one of his new white shirts, a red jacket and a pair of black pants and black boots. ( ) Alucard glanced at the outfit he would be wearing in 2 days and sighed.

(Wedding outfit: and boots

2012-04-18 [Sonya Blue]: Xena shook her head "for now..I live near the palace..."

Argo snorted, but remained still

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri raised one brow at Yvette, "Further proof that lunitics travel in packs." She looked at Jacob, "Please tell Alucard that if he insists on having so many pets around, he needs to house train them first." She looked at Yvette again, "Or they're really not worth having around." She closed the door after that. For whatever reason, Alucard flipped his lid when other vampires touched her, so she knew that Jacob would stop this one too, or she'd be in a world of hurt. She looked at Faye, "I'm getting tired of these vampires. What use is an ancient race if they're not going to be any better then rocks?" She sighed and walked to her bed, laying down. She could act tough, but honestly, she was hurting for many reasons... And she figured Yvette was another one of Alucard's whores.. She didn't care if he had them, so long as she didn't see them.

Jacob just smirked a little, "Why are you laughing?"

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette stood laughing when she heard Sahiri speak."Pet? Not worth having around?!" She growled."I'll rip her pretty little throat out!!" She shouted. Yvette wasn't fun to be around when she got angry or pissed off. "No one talks to Lord Alucard Ward that way!!" She screamed through the door.

Faye walked over to Sahiri's bed and sat on the bed and rubbed Sahiri's back.

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Alucard will have you in pieces before you can get your nails into her flesh.. He's oddly protective of someone he pushes around and beats." Jacob shrugged a little, "Why did you laugh any way? Quiet a few of you seem to be doing it."

Sahiri sighed a little, "I think I'll be ill again tonight.." Though she knew that excuse was wearing on Alucard's nerves to a point where if she really was ill, he wouldn't believe a word of it.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: He was standing behind the two of them, listening to Yvette clamber on about Sahiri. "You're damn right I would, now get away from the door. Both of you" Alucard's eyes locked on Yvette; he would deal witht Jacob later. "The sick excuse won't cut it tonight, woman! You're going to be at the party. I don't care if you're dry heaving over the balcony all night."

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette turned around and looked at Alucard."Fine I won't touch her but she will not talk to me like I'm some common whore or shit she has just stepped in." She looked at Jacob."I laughed because she isn't what I expected a Elf to look like. I thought she would be more beautiful than myself. So I laughed when I noticed that I'm still the most beautiful in this family."

"Shall I inform him?"Faye asked.

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, Alucard already herd Sahiri's comment]

Jacob just shook his head a little, "She's not a vampire, so of course she's not going to be more beautiful than you." He started walking her down the hall so she wouldn't speak back to Alucard any more. "Besides, this is her kingdom by blood. Do your research little one. We're the ones who have just stepped in."

Sahiri jumped and practically flew off the bed. Her heart felt like it was in her throat and she could barely breath around the lump it created. She looked at him, "It was only a statement, not an action..." She said softly, "I can't avoid being publicly laughed at by your people for any longer..."

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: "Another reason to be glad that you're marrying a man such as myself." he said in a sarcastically pleased tone. "I would prefer to see you downstairs for publicity sake, so do hurry the hell up."

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: [sorry >.< Trying to wake up with the help of coffee and cigs lol ]

Yvette followed him down the hallway."I will try to be nice to her but she makes any comments about me being a pet then I will risk Alucard's punishment."

Faye stayed on the bed, not moving.

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, nice >.<]

Jacob just chuckled a little, "I'm sure she wont... Specially not with him around. Like a little mouse when he's around."

"I can't very well get ready if people keep coming by to view me, interrupting my getting dressed. Or would you rather I let people see me naked?" She flinched a little after she spoke and took a step back. She wanted to bite off her own tongue sometimes.

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked at Jacob."Promise she won't?"She pouted.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: He stared at Sahiri and stepped further into her room, shutting the door. "by all means, get dressed. The only show is for me now..."

2012-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I promise." Jacob nodded, leading her to her dress, "Now change for the party."

Sahiri's eyes glanced to Faye, sitting quietly on the bed, then back to Alucard. She just wanted to hide, but the words had come out, and there was no escape now... Save for maybe throwing herself out the window behind her. So she took a deep breath and forced her legs to move and her feet to carry her to the wardrobe.

2012-04-18 [Cerulean Sins]: "Fine."Yvette sighed. She was in her huffy moods. She got her dress once she walked into her room."I'll see you at the party." Then she shooed him out of her room.

Faye got off the bed."MY lord, it is against our laws for a future husband to see their future bride naked before the wedding night."She was talking bullshit but she couldn't let Sahiri change in front of Alucard. In Faye's book, that was a no-no.

2012-04-18 [MadHatress]: "I'm not moving because you think I'm in here to watch her strip to her birthday suit." He did his best not to smirk at the young woman's discomfort. He would not move to get a better look at her, because that day was to come on its own. Alucard's eyes hardly wandered further than her collar bones; glued to the pulse of the artery running down her slender neck.

2012-04-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri looked at Faye and shook her head a little to keep Faye from further pushing Alucard. She knew full well that Alucard was being kind when she pushed his buttons, nothing was stopping him from killing her dear friend. She glanced at him before quickly turning back to the wardrobe. She looked through the dresses and sighed a little. There wasn't any point in wearing one of her nice dresses, except maybe the fact that her plain dresses wouldn't pass- and she was almost positive that the people who hadn't met her yet would mistake her for a lost servant. She gave a slight shrug, and pulled out one of her favorites-a purple dress with silver trim embroidery. {<>}

Jacob went to his room and got dressed.

2012-04-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye forced herself not to speak back to Alucard. She walked over to Sahiri to see if she needed help with the dress.

Yvette got dressed into a beautiful red dress that she got from her late husband. Once she was dress she did her make up and hair. ( her dress

2012-04-20 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri let Faye take the purple dress and lay it out on the bed. She really wanted to tell Alucard to get out, but he looked pretty fixed to stay there. So instead she turned her back to him as she pulled off her dress.

2012-04-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye laid the dress out on the bed then she walked over to Sahiri, she stood behind her to block most of Alucards view of Sahiri.

2012-04-23 [MadHatress]: Alucard laughed at the girls and shook his head. "human modesty... Ashamed of what they look like for fear or falling prey to a lusty predator. Trust me; you shall have none of mine."

2012-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri sighed, turning to him once the dress was on, "Alucard, I am not human, number one. And number two, I am not ashamed of what I look like, but rather don't believe in showing my body to someone such as yourself. You would not know beauty if it bit you. I doubt you're able to distinguish from one woman's body to another; they must just be a blur." She hated being called human. There was nothing wrong with humans, but she wasn't one. And she doubted a human would like to be called an elf.

2012-04-29 [Sonya Blue]: Xena shook her head "for now..I live near the palace..."

Argo snorted, but remained still

[reposted it since rikki ignored]

2012-04-29 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye stood behind Sahiri, she was busy lacing up the dress.

Yvette double checked her hair and make-up. She put on the bracelet that Alucard had gave her for her first birthday as a vampire. She smiled a little and shook her head as she clipped on the bracelet. She waited in her room for someone to escort her to the party.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: [didn't ignore, was waiting for you to get back online! lol]

"You are more like a human than I could ever be again, and pushing your luck!" His eyes started to almost glow with anger. "I might be some sort of shovanistic ass that a CREATURE like you can't stand, but at least I know that I couldn't possibly see myself touching your scrawny body unclothed. I'd sooner bed my slaves before touching you... Things would be so much easier if I could just be rid of you and have all this land to have as my own." He stormed out of her room and made his way to Yvette's room; barking at anyone that stopped for even a second.

She nodded, smiling a little at Argo. "I cant stand living so close to the city... It seems more tolerable at night"

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri smirked a little to herself, it would almost be worth her life if she could see the look on his face the day after she was announced dead. Dragons would fill the sky and destroy the city. If he wasn't killed in the process, he'd probably give up on the land. She blew out some air and looked at her reflection, "It's his fault I'm scrawny." She muttered, then frowned and pushed that from her mind. Once the dress was put on, she put one of her mother's hairpins in her hair to keep her braid in place. She put in the matching earrings and then the necklace

(Hairstyle:<> Hairpin:<>

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked around her room and noticed some mess. She frowned and knew Alucard would yell at her which she hated. She started tidying up her room as fast as she could because she could feel Alucard coming to her room.

"You aren't scrawny, my lady."Faye said softly.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: "...Next time you attempt to water plants, make sure the water stays in the DAMN POT! I'm sick of having you idiots waste my money on replacing these carpets!!" Alucard ruffled his hair angrily; some how making the mess on his head look intentional as he knocked on his ward's door.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: [I vote fist one! :D]

Yvette sighed softly, she knew Alucard is in a very bad mood. She walked over to the door and opened it."What's wrong, my lord? You look angry." She frowned softly.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Sweet, we have a winner :D]

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: [Kewl :) ]

Alucard faced her, the same dark scowl on his face as he shook his head. "Don't even get me started again... First my damned Bride to be, now these useless servants. if it weren't for the fact this place needs a lot of maintenance, I'd kill them all and put them out of My misery." He peeked in at her room and rose a brow. "Well... At least you tried."

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "We'll get those peasants whipped into shape soon enough. But at least two good things happen, I arrived with gifts and I cleaned my room."Yvette smiled.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob walked down the hall in his finest...Black pants, black silk shirt, and a black coat over that. He wasn't exactly creative in the color of his clothes. Black didn't stain, which meant when he 'ruined' one of the shirts given to him, it didn't show. "All you can ask for from a woman is her trying." He said as he came upon his Lord and Yvette.

Sahiri looked at her and smiled, "I am too my dear Faye... I can't keep any weight on lately.. I almost look like my twelve year old self." She said with slightly wide eyes, "All knees and elbows."

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: He started to respond but stopped. Alucard sighed and offered his arm to Yvette. "As if you have met many women, Jacob." the tone was almost demeaning, but it was a joke and delivered in a way that those closest to him knew was his version of making a funny.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette chuckled as she took Alucard's arm.She has missed the banter between Jacob and Alucard.

Faye shook her head."You are perfection."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob smirked a little, "Are we counting meals?" He asked with both brows slightly raised.

"You're too sweet, too good." Sahiri sighed at her reflection as she applied some powder to her face so that it was all a consistent color, and the bruise only showed by the slight swelling that could be spotted with her head turned just the right angle. "I don't like who I become when Alucard is around. I'm plotting against my groom to be, and to destroy my own home..." She applied some color to her lips and then stood, "My only hope is that once the stress is removed, he and I will settle into a routine that makes it so neither of us has to handle the other." I will see you tomorrow, don't wait up until after the party, you know how long they can last.."

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: Preparations for the party were nearly complete. Well respected and noble men and women were showing up in small clusters as appetizers and snack meats were brought out to momentarily silence the brewing hunger most guests arrived with. The ever growing volume of people and amount of conversing bellowed through most of the lower portion of the castle already

He place his free hand in the side pocket of his jacket and strolled off to the balcony that overlooked the entry way and most of the greater hall. The scents wafting off of each person; human and other wise made his senses run amuck, like a child on a playground.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette followed him to the balcony."I think you've out done yourself, my lord. It's lovely."She whispered softly.

Faye nodded a little."Stay safe, my lady." She said softly and hugged her tightly.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob went to the railing and stared down at the guests, "I smell some interesting people." He said softly, grinning a little, "But I promise not to eat anyone." He turned to join the party below.

Sahiri hugged her tightly, "Always." She reassured her before slipping on some shoes to match the dress, seeing as Alucard would probably drag her upstairs by her hair if she left them off.. Again..

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: "I would only feed on the ones that don't wreak of elf or rotting garbage..." both his focus and mind went to figuring out who all and come and how to arrange entertainment. "It's only a distraction for the chaos that is still brewing beyond these walls." Alucars looked to The woman he so 'lovingly' adopted. "I suggest you enjoy it for the both of us"

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled at Alucard."I shall." Her eyes scanned the guests, she was looking for food but also some fun. She glanced at Alucard."Anyone you want me to pay special attention to?"

Faye nodded a little as she watched Sahiri with worry.

2012-05-01 [Sonya Blue]: Xena shrugged "being in the city doesn't bother me, it's the people in the city..."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri left her room and started walking down the hall, pausing only once she'd gotten to the top of the stairs. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. She listened closely to the conversations below, but if she knew anyone, she couldn't pick their voice out of the crowd.

Jacob cast a glance at Sahiri and where she'd frozen in place. He shook his head a little and started down the stairs and to the guests. He greeted a few that he knew, making a beeline to a group he almost considered friends, if he had any such thing.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye cleaned Sahiri's room, she knew how much of a clean freak Alucard was....not that she would say it to his face unless she wanted to die. Once she was done cleaning the room, she thought to herself, I'll clean Alucard's room. Hopefully that will keep him happy for a short amount of time but he could get very angry about it. She thought as she walked down the hallway.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: Alucard looked around carefully, trying to find someone that could be used in his favor if something were to happen to them. He smirked as he looked past Sahiri. "There is a man wearing a green frock and black pants. He's a duke from another country that has more than pissed me off on one occasion."

She nodded at Xena and stepped back with a sigh. "Yeah, the woods are a better place to call home" with a sigh she began to turn away. "I should probably go make sure city dwellers aren't taking wood from my shed again. Maybe I'll see you around again."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri glanced to Jacob before she started down the stairs. She looked at all of the people there, wondering who some of them were, others she had met briefly when her parents had gatherings.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled as she eyed up the man in green and black."Consider it done."Yvette whispered with a smile. She walked over to the man in green and black. She oozed sex and passion as she walked with a sexual hint in her eyes.

2012-05-07 [MadHatress]: ~sometimes I wonder if that girl became TOO good at what she does...~ he watched from the distance as his ward took to her dirty deed. His eyes went to Jacob; he stared at the man just long enough to get a message across, tha he needed to have Sahiri brought to his side. To his misfortune, keeping appearances in pubic is rather vital to the wanna-be thriving lands. he would leave her where she stands if the option were left to him

2012-05-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette flirted with the man. She smiled, she batted her eyes at him and she kept on touching his arm or shoulder. She laughed softly at his jokes and gave him complements. She found to him to be so very annoying and boring but she would talk to this boring man if it kept Alucard happy. She hated it when he got anger.

2012-05-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri finally spotted a familiar face in the crowd, a young King that had once been the man her parents had arranged a marriage with. The marriage was cancelled when he'd fallen in love with a Lord's daughter, and who wouldn't, the woman was stunning and had the sweetest temper. She was just about to make her way to them when Jacob appeared in front of her.

Jacob held his arm to her, "M'Lady, the King requests you at his side."

2012-05-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette laughed when the man said something funny."Oh you are wicked, sir!" She stepped a little closer to the man then she whispered sweet words of promises into the man ear as she ran her hand down his arm slowly like a loves caress.

2012-05-08 [MadHatress]: [gonna assume we obey the laws of science here... lol]
His eyes wandered around the room. They started with Yvette as she flirted her way into this guy's comfort zone; Alucard watched as Jacob made his way over with Sahiri. His gut instantly turned, thus his head turned away from her. When he turned his head, he glanced in a mirror and saw that his eyes were becoming more and more red as the night progressed. Much more quickly than an average day.

2012-05-08 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, yeah, I was just typing in the view point of Sahiri... Since she wasn't paying attention, he just 'appeared'.... And if that's not what you're talking about, then I'm not surprised because I'm drugged xD]

Sahiri sighed very softly and nodded, placing her hand on his arm and let him lead her to Alucard.

"My lord." Jacob bowed a little upon 'delivering' his bride to be. He frowned slightly, feeling something off. He'd known Alucard long enough to know when his master hadn't eaten lately.

2012-05-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smirked a little when she felt the man melt against her touch."My Lord Alucard will be able to give you everything you have ever desired. You just have to be loyal to him, undying loyalty."She whispered to him with a smile.

The man nodded."Yes..."He was completely besotted with Yvette. He would give his right leg to be with her.

2012-05-10 [MadHatress]: [lol! I just meant as far as mirrors go for that comment]

Alucard nodded his appreciation and glanced at Sahiri, eyes drawing a bit to the pulse under the slightly paled skin of her neck. He took his eyes away and locked them on Jacob. "have one of the servants bring me a glass of Red before something bad happens... Have them bring it from the woman whose always trying to sneak into my room at night." lately, the King was having an issue with this woman that once climbed into his room and begged to have his "hybridized, God-like child". An arm hesitantly linked to Sahiri's to quell the loud murmurs that emerged more rapidly when the two were standing side by side.

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Oh... >.< lol, then yes :D]

Jacob bowed a little, "I'll fetched you that drink immediately." He said, carefully and gently pushing his way through the crowd.

Sahiri became stiff when he linked his arm to hers, then, knowing full well that these parties were only to keep more powerful kingdoms with Alucard, so she quietly cleared her throat and cast a nervous smile to the closest people. She forced her body to appear relaxed, but any vampire there would be able to tell that her heart was threatening to pound right out of her chest. She kept on reminding herself of Alucard's earlier insults, but no matter how much her blood made him turn up his nose, she knew if he was hungry enough, then he would stoop to a level low enough to take from her.

2012-05-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette glanced over at Alucard and Sahiri when the man she was seducing looked over. She narrowed her eyes just a wee bit, she really disliked Sahiri. Maybe she was jealous because she was use to being the main woman in Alucard's life, not sexually. It was like a daughter dealing with the fact she is no longer the centre of her father's life cause he has a new wife now. She really couldn't wait for Alucard to kill the stupid bitch, so she could get Alucard all to herself again. She noticed that his skin was a little bit more white and his eyes where red, and then she knew he was hungry.I wonder why he isn't feeding properly? Must be the sink of Elf in the air that's putting him off his food. She thought.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: [lol :D I'm also going to try to work in a new character to help move things along]

He watched as the closest thing he had to a friend went to fetch him what he needed. A glanced passes to Sahiri when he felt her tense. "Is that your everyday mood, or are you that disgusted by me? I'd like to know if I'm doing my job properly..."

A man in a blue outfit was sitting in the back of the hall. he watched as the others ate, drank and enjoyed the little soiree Alucard was hosting. He scouted around for anyone of position in Alucard's service

2012-05-11 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette could feel her jealously growing inside of her, she could feel it spread through her veins. She walked away from the man, she had been seducing, and stormed out to the balcony for some air. 

[Ohhhhh! Cool :D]

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri didn't look at him as she spoke, busy looking at their guests. "Don't flatter yourself Lord Alucard. You're like a pebble in my shoe. A slight annoyance, but nothing I can't ignore." She finally looked at him, "Why did you call me over, when clearly it upsets your pet." She motioned slightly in Yvette's direction as the woman stormed away.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: Alucard watched as Yvette stormed off and smirked a little. "She watches me throw myself in to the company of loose women all the time, but never have I tied myself down in the way I have to with you. She may be my ward, but Yvette is a very jealous and protective individual. I guess you could say she has Jacob's back in protecting me from people like you..."

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri raised a brow, "Oh yes, people who are giving you their kingdom for the lives of the remaining citizen's must be horrible. There's only one reason I threw in the marriage clause, and it's because of how the kingdom was left to me, and because I'd like to be foolish and young and pretend you're not going to kill me on our wedding night."

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: He smirked softly as he watched the growing crowd start to flock towards dinning tables. "If I planned on killing you, you would already be dead. I hate you; but not enough to have you killed..."

2012-05-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "And Dragons would have gladly feasted on you." Sahiri said simply. She smiled lightly, "While you and the vampires hate me and my kind, the Dragons agree with me on my views of Vampires." She looked at him, then to the approaching Jacob, "Particularly you." She un-linked their arms, curtsied a little and started to walk away.

Jacob approached with the glass, holding it to ALucard. "Having a nice talk?" He asked.

2012-05-11 [MadHatress]: ALucard glared after the girl as he took the glass, a quick drink and let out a slightly angered sigh. "I don't think nice is the word I would use when the conversation is shared with an elf... such annoying creatures."

2012-05-12 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette knew everyone was walking to the dinning tables. She just wanted to scream at the top of her lung, hit something or someone. She frowned when she realised that she was acting like a child. She sighed and shook her head a little. She couldn't afford to show any weakness tonight or it might harm Alucard. Most people are looking for his weakness, find it and destroy it and take out another weakness. Jacob and herself where one of his weaknesses, not that Alucard would ever admit it to himself or anyone else. She had to be strong, cold, bitchy Yvette and not child-like Yvette. She would through a fit at Alucard later on tonight just to get her point across. She took a deep breath, she smoothed out her dress and started to walk but paused when she remembered she didn't have an escort, so she stayed out on the balcony staring up at the stars.

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